
Souzai Saishuka No Isekai Ryokouki Manga

Alternative Titles
Material Collector's Another World Travels ; Sozai Saishuka no Isekai Ryokouki ; 素材採取家の異世界旅行記 ; 素材采取家的异世界旅行记
Synopsis Souzai Saishuka No Isekai Ryokouki
Takeru Kamishiro is an ordinary middle aged salaryman who was chosen by god to be reincarnated into a fantasy world in the body of a handsome young man in his prime. Takeru sets out to learn more about the world while gathering rare and interesting materials along the way to sell for money which he can use to gather even more materials ad infinitum.
Kinoko Masuo
Created On
January 08, 2024
Updated On
January 08, 2024