Don't Overlook The Reincarnated Granny - The Second Life Of A Former Villainous Empress manga online by author(s): Fuduki Roa, Nakanomura Ayasuke for free Alternative Titles: Tensei Babaa wa Misugosenai!: Moto Akutoku Jotei no Nishuume Life ; 転生ババァは見過ごせない! ~元悪徳女帝の二周目ライフ~ ; The Reincarnated Granny Won't Be Overlooked! - The Second Life of the Former Tyrannical Empress ; ¡no nos olvidemos de la abuela reencarnada! -la segunda vuelta a la vida de la ex-emperatriz-. If you line Chapter 14 of the Don't Overlook The Reincarnated Granny - The Second Life Of A Former Villainous Empress sign up for updates and read the new parts first!