Gyaku Isekai Tensei Shite Kimowota Ni Natte Shimatta Dai Majutsushi Delray Curtis No Fujourina Nichijou manga online by author(s): Itosugi Masahiro for free Alternative Titles: 逆異世界転生してキモヲタになってしまった大魔術師デルレイ・カーチスの不条理な日常 ; The Absurd Everyday Life of Great Sorcerer Delray Curtis who was Reverse Reincarnated. If you line Chapter 9 of the Gyaku Isekai Tensei Shite Kimowota Ni Natte Shimatta Dai Majutsushi Delray Curtis No Fujourina Nichijou sign up for updates and read the new parts first!