Hime-Sama Tanuki No Koizanyou manga online by author(s): Minase Mayu for free Alternative Titles: Don't Count on Your Tanukis ; Hime-sama Tanuki no Koisanyou ; Himesamadanuki no Koizanyou ; 姫さま狸の恋算用 ; 狸公主的恋爱计算 ; 狸公主的恋爱小九九 ; The Tanuki Princess' Love Calculus ; Miłość, jenoty i inne kłopoty ; Don't Count Your Tanukis ; Die Tanuki-Prinzessin ; Himesama Tanuki no Koi Sanyou. If you line Chapter 11 of the Hime-Sama Tanuki No Koizanyou sign up for updates and read the new parts first!