Mamono Wo Shitagaeru "teiin" Wo Motsu Tensei Kenjya~ Katsute No Maho To Jyuma De Hissori Saikyo No Bokensha Ninaru~ manga online by author(s): Naehara Hajime, Dieepzee for free Alternative Titles: The Reincarnated Sage who Possesses the Mark of the Emperor that Commands Obedience from Monsters ~Quietly becoming the Strongest Adventurer with the Magic from his Previous Life alongside his Monster Subordinates~ ; 魔物を従える“帝印”を持つ転生賢者 ~かつての魔法と従魔でひっそり最強の冒険者になる~. If you line Chapter 12 of the Mamono Wo Shitagaeru "teiin" Wo Motsu Tensei Kenjya~ Katsute No Maho To Jyuma De Hissori Saikyo No Bokensha Ninaru~ sign up for updates and read the new parts first!