S No Yuiitsu M No Zettai manga online by author(s): Toma Rei for free Alternative Titles: ジッターバグ ; マイ・ディア・キャット ; 恋愛プラネタリウム ; Bet!! ; Jittabagu ; Jitter Bug ; Jitterbug ; My Dear Cat ; Ren'ai Planetarium ; Romance Planetarium ; S no Yuiitsu ~ M no Zettai ; Sの唯一Mの絶対 ; Solely S Absolutely M ; Solely S, Absolutely M ; Soely Absolute ; قطي العزيز (arabic) ; Einfach nur S und absolut M (german). If you line Chapter 1 of the S No Yuiitsu M No Zettai sign up for updates and read the new parts first!