Sobiwaku Zero No Saikyou Kenshi Demo, Noroi No Soubi (Kawaii) Nara 9999-Ko Tsuke-Hodai manga online by author(s): Sakaki Mochimaru for free Alternative Titles: 装備枠ゼロの最強剣士 でも、呪いの装備(可愛い)なら9999個つけ放題 ; 장비 슬롯 제로의 최강검사라도, 저주받은 장비(귀여움)라면 9999개까지 마음껏 장착 가능. If you line Chapter 17.2 of the Sobiwaku Zero No Saikyou Kenshi Demo, Noroi No Soubi (Kawaii) Nara 9999-Ko Tsuke-Hodai sign up for updates and read the new parts first!