Sougou Jikan Jigyou Kaisha Daihyou Torijimariyaku Kaichou Senzoku Hisho Tanaka Seiji manga online by author(s): Amatsuka Keiji for free Alternative Titles: General Temporal Enterprise Representative President's Private Secretary Tanaka Seiji ; Sōgō Jikan Jigyō Kaisha Daihyō Torijimariyaku Kaichō Senzoku Hisho Tanaka Seiji ; Seiji Tanaka Secretary to the Managing President, General Time Industries. If you line Chapter 8 of the Sougou Jikan Jigyou Kaisha Daihyou Torijimariyaku Kaichou Senzoku Hisho Tanaka Seiji sign up for updates and read the new parts first!