The Lady With Special Circumstances Is Now Adored And Happy manga online by author(s): Mizuno Saaya, Suzumiya, Kawano Akiko, Hanachiru Koko, Nagatsuki Oto, Bouro, Shikimi Aki, Sakura Mirai, Tonomizu Yuiko, Asuka, Touma Rico, Tsuki, Aroe (あろえ) for free Alternative Titles: 訳あり令嬢でしたが、溺愛されて今では幸せです アンソロジーコミック ; 訳あり令嬢でしたが、溺愛されて今では幸せです ; Wakeari Reijou deshita ga, Dekiaisarete Ima de wa Shiawase desu ; Cinderella Story Anthology. If you line Chapter 1 of the The Lady With Special Circumstances Is Now Adored And Happy sign up for updates and read the new parts first!