Tsubomi (Anthology) manga online by author(s): Acutta Fumie, Anthology, Hattori Mitsuru, Inugami Sukune, Kazuto Izumi, Kigi Tatsumi, Miyauchi Yuka, Naruko Hanaharu, Ogawa Kidari, Ootomo Megane, Sekiya Asami for free Alternative Titles: つぼみ (Anthology) (Japanese); Chrysanthemum Garden; Cotton Candy Love; God and the Rainbringer; Golden Shoes, Silver Shoes; Have You Seen These Shoes; Heart Ablaze; Monologue Love; My Beloved Kawano-san; Roche Limit (English);. If you line Chapter 10 of the Tsubomi (Anthology) sign up for updates and read the new parts first!