Tsuihou Suru Gawa No Monogatari manga online by author(s): Monchi02 for free Alternative Titles: 追放する側の物語 ; 追放する側の物語 仲間を追放したらパーティーが弱体化したけど、世界一を目指します。 ; The Story Of The Banisher Side After Banishing The Party Member - The Party Was Weakened, But We Aim To Be The Best In The World ; Tsuihou Suru Gawa no Monogatari - Nakama wo Tsuihou Shitara Party ga Jakutaika Shitakedo, Sekaiichi wo Mezashimasu.. If you line Chapter 10 of the Tsuihou Suru Gawa No Monogatari sign up for updates and read the new parts first!