Uchuu O Kakeru Yodaka manga online by author(s): Kawabata Shiki for free Alternative Titles: 宇宙を駆けるよだか (Japanese); 翱翔於天际的夜鹰 (Chinese); Dem Himmel entgegen (German); Sora o Kakeru Yodaka; Sora wo Kakeru Yodaka; Uchuu (Sora) o Kakeru Yodaka; Uchuu (Sora) wo Kakeru Yodaka; هلّا تركت مسافة (Arabic); Rouge éclipse; El patito feo que surcó los cielos (Spanish);. If you line Chapter 3 of the Uchuu O Kakeru Yodaka sign up for updates and read the new parts first!